my morning magic

Starting your day consciously in a way that serves you

Our lives are not all the same, our rhythm is not the same, our needs are not all the same. So will the perfect morning routine that will get the best out of your day, not be the same for everyone.

Why the morning? Because it sets the tone for the rest of the day, which sets the tone for the rest of your life. What if there is more? More inside you, that is dying to come out? Are you curious to find out?

"This is not your typical 'create a morning routine' or 'another thing on the todo list'. Let yourself be fed, relax and enjoy the ride."

And then what?

So now all my issues are resolved and Im in happy bliss for the rest of my life? Well not exactly. But way more valuable then that, you will have given yourself the present of growth and have the tools to play this adventurous game called life. This is not your typical "create a morning routine" and "another thing on the todo list", Let yourself be fed, relax and enjoy the ride.

photo credits: Romy van Boxtel

Expect this as a definite very likely to happen outcome.
  • I feel what I need in every moment
  • I experience my days consciously and am able to choose the right direction
  • I am living, not surviving
  • I feel what I truly desire
  • I am the captain of my ship
  • I feel alive
  • I have a box with creative tools that I can use when needed.
  • I have more insight in my sabotaging thoughts
  • Magic

Is it for me?

photo credits: Romy van Boxtel

Whether you are in a serious crisis or you are ok, but looking for more meaning. We are all walking the path of life. It doesnt matter where you are, in deep funk or in a high. We walk together, not alone, this is for everybody who feels the calling.

This is for you when some of these resonate:

  • You are looking for more depth and meaning in your life
  • Your life feels like a struggle, not effortless
  • Your mornings feel hectic and you want to start your day more peacefully
  • You have a practice, but even though it seems amazing for your best friend, it does not to do much for you
  • You are ready for change
  • You are in crisis and want to cope in a healthy way
  • You are overwhelmed with all the offer out there and want to find out what works for you
  • You are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or burned out
  • You are walking in circles, running into the same old patterns
  • You are curious about the extent of your potential
  • You want to really experience life instead of feeling its passing you by

What's the program

photo credits: Peggy Vullinghs

For 6 weeks we will go on a journey together. A journey with yourself within and a journey with eachother, eachother as mirrors and as another being you can connect with. After this course you will have a short and a long practice that suits you and your life in this stage of your life. You have the tools to adjust this practice when needed and you will have more capacity to recognize these needs.

Every sunday is a workshop that consists of the following things:

Talk & inspiration
Checking in
Mini masterclass (nervous system, constellation, connecting, conscious food)
Practice with the technique
Sharing & questions

Every monday morning (early!) there is an optional opportunity to practice together

Get a taste of various subjects or practices.

  • Self care: Cleansing body, mouth, mind & soul
  • Food: What do we take into our body, mind & soul
  • The mind: All the M's, Mindset, manifesting, mindfullness, monkey mind
  • The breath: Nervous system, breath & breathing techniques
  • Meditation: Guided, transcendental, mantra, chakra meditation
  • Dynamics & polarity (NEW): How do I relate to other beings
  • Creative expression: Creative writing, music, dance
  • Constellation (NEW): Reveal your family system
  • Silence & more meditation

This program also includes

- Access to portal with practices & inspiration
- Accountabilty & sharing group app
- Free 'inspirational monday' online meditations for 6 months
- 2 times 1 on 1 coaching call (45 min)

And now practical

Duration: 6 weeks
Where: Online and 3 live meetings at YSN
Investment: €365,- (possible in terms) Early bird: €325,- (before 1st of August)

29 September 2024 14:00 - 16:15 (Live, optional online)
06 October 2024 20:00 - 21:45 (Online)
13 October 2024 20:00 - 21:45 (Online)
20 October 2024 14:00 - 16:15 (Live, optional online)
27 October 2024 20:00 - 21:45 (Online)
03 November 2024 14:00 - 16:30 (Live, optional online)

Is this for you? You can get more information or subscribe for the next course here